Cambox, Repair Test Kits for Electronic Unit Pumps (EUPs) and Electronic Unit Injectors (EUIs). The repair tester is designed to perform repair tests for different type of Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI) and Electronic Unit Pumps (EUP). The tester consists of a mechanical cam box with specified EUI/EUP adapter kits and an electronic controller. The cam box will be driven by a standard high pressure fuel injection pump test stand.
Design Features
1. Cam box mounting height 125mm (from the center of camshaft to the bench mounting platform)
2. A speed sensor installed on the cam box for injection synchronization
3. Modulated driving signal to ensure the safety of EUI/EUP solenoid
4. User adjustable start of injection (SOI) angle and pulse width of solenoid driving signal
5. Short circuit protection for the output circuitry of the solenoid driving signal
NEW EU-4000 Controller Front Panel

The tester is capable to test EUI/EUP products for following brands of manufacturers:

EUP-EUI Test Kits Matrix 2019

Please refer to the above ''EUP-EUI test kits Matrix'' to choose your cambox suitable components as per your engine model or adaptor.